Why you need to have a pet Twitter account?
Hi everybody (effurebody), you probably ask yourself: what is she talking about?
Why this website is covered by videos of  her pet, and she obsessively supports all posts and articles concerning animals only?
Well, my dear readers, I discovered other dimension of our life.
Please, before you quit reading this, let me explain…
I won’t repeat how it all started, because you can check post before, Â hopefully you read my blog regularly.
But most importantly I want to share the reason why I started with Twitter Pet Lovers Account and why I think all animal oriented people should have it?
As you figured out by now, I fell for my sphynx big time, so I decided to join twitter to connect to pets’ enthusiasts.
I was tremendously surprised by supporting and loving relationship I discovered between pet twitter accounts.
I have to admit I was reluctant at first. My several (or little more) tweets felt like I am talking to myself..
I know, how pitiful you say… I Â agree, I felt like I am tweeting to a wall.
I was even more sad because it has happened when I discovered my sphynx went through ” fake” pregnancy.
For most of you it may seem trivial, but I prepared myself to receive kittens, set up nursery, and emergency kit as well as supplemental feeding. And honestly, called and annoyed every clinic in Manhattan and surrounding areas, asking them thousands of questions. I wanted make sure I choose the best for my cat and her off spring. I was Momma Tigress, roar!
One day, I can’t remember when exactly, I received first favorite feedback, and then retweet and finally first nice response. After that things went spiral. I convinced my family there is other life out there and the closest to call it would be Pet Twitter Heaven!
Few months later I have over 2000 followers and counting. I am not planning to go back to three dimensional life anymore.
My existence consists of four dimensions and all thanks to pets and their love and power to transform humans. And I must say twitter was perfect (purrfect) soil for that. You will find there pet related advises, cute pictures, smart jokes, and even romance. And most surprisingly, Â if you need shoulder to cry on there is no better place than Pet Twitter Universe. All tweeps are full of compassion, always willing to help, running to rescue. I guarantee you will never feel alone after you join.
So next time you are lonesome, I have advice for you: get a pet and start tweeting.
 Dedicated to all my followers. Thank you for all joy you bring to my life. Written by Joanna