A Larger Family Than I Had Planned by Lisa Reed

I never had only one cat before but Otis seemed very happy alone. Periodically I considered adopting another but wasn’t sure if it would work for him. I had previously had 2 sisters and a brother and a sister who grew up together.

Last July feral cat had two kittens in my backyard.
The experts I consulted said to keep feeding the mother and leave the babies with her as long as possible.
A few days later there were July storms and it was pouring for days. I feared the tiny kittens would not make it. I went to the spot that they had been but they were gone.

My father heard crying during the night and we went out at 6 AM to investigate.
We found two soggy tiny kittens in a well and took them.


My initial intent was to rescue them and turn them over to a so kill shelter. We took them to the animal medical center to be checked out.

They were one month old sisters.
They needed to be bottle-fed and antibiotics for upper respiratory infections.
They had runny eyes and needed ointment. They had fleas.

Once I bottle fed them the first time I fell in love and knew I would keep them.


They went from tiny hissing balls of fluff to sweet affectionate babies by the end of the first day.

It is almost one year later and I have never been so happy for circumstances to work this way.


I love my girls Ruby and Boots with all my heart and Otis is coming to accept and play with his sisters. I adopted Otis at 11 months because I did not want kittens again but I’m so happy I raised these girls, they are so loving and bonded to me.
I’m so grateful to have them.

Written by Lisa @lisareed13

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12 years ago

Dear Lisa, first time I read your article I was in the laundromat. You made me cry in the front of people…
I’m so glad you adopted those two amazing, brilliant and beautiful kittens. Although as we can see on the picture, they were in terrifying state. You nurtured them, gave them home and most importantly, an Incredible and Loving Mom like yourself. We love you and 3 of your Babies xxx

Chris Lee

12 years ago

Lisa, I love your story! As you learned, it wasn’t what YOU planned, it’s what fate and the kitties, planned! You have a beautiful family, and your selfish act of love has brought I am sure, a return of a hundredfold.
You are special because not only did you+your father hear the kittens, Lisa, you Answered them.
much love to you always.

Cyndi and Latte

12 years ago

I enjoyed your story. It was hard to read without getting teary eyed. You are a great loving mum and friend. Otis, Boots and Ruby are so lucky to have you as their mum.


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