How having pets changes your social life? by Joanna

Many of pet owners know this all too well: as soon as they get pet or two their friends, family, coworkers, neighbors and even strangers have opinion on it.
Not all of them are supportive of new addition.

Social kitty

What if the family or close friends are against having pets?
Pet owners go through natural adjustments to their life, joined by new pet, they tend to go under reasonable amount of stress. But if people who share living space with them are negative and don’t support their new animal, they fall under horrendous amount of pressure. It affects everyone: new pet owners, their family and new pets.
Animals are very sensitive in perception of human feelings and reactions. If they sense resentment or that they are not welcome, they will respond. They will want to be accepted by rejecting party, also please new owner, and at the same time would be challenged by new surroundings. Most likely they will develop behavioral issues due to so many difficulties. That’s why it is crucial to talk to loved ones before getting a pet. If they are opposite to the idea, there are two choices: cease idea of getting the pet or move independently. Forcing onto family new pet will most likely end up badly. Pets will become victims in most cases.

Pets become victims of humans

When it comes to other people in pet owner’s life, there are many choices.
First is to get two or more pets together, so they will keep each other company and will miss owner less. Of course planning their meals, water, safety ahead is priority. Also, friendly neighbor or family member, who can check on them and update on their status (or in case of an emergency), would be helpful.

Another option, very popular lately, is getting pet sitter. There are websites, where one can check their credentials, insurance, reviews. It is very important that pet owners make their homework and find professional, experienced and reliable person.

Very similar to last option is pet hotels and kennels. Again, research is the necessity. It is good to visit them first to check conditions and observe other pets’ behavior.
Asking questions shouldn’t bother any of paid pet sitting professionals. If they act rude or omit answers, possibly have something to hide.

New way of being social is taking your pet along. Surely it depends on the venue. For each child in United States there are 4 pets. Increasing number of people will take their pets with them. In such circumstances it will be inevitable to see more places willing to accommodate them. Pets are guardians or medical help for some people. They are “new children’ and family members.

Picnic with Coco-Mau Aqua

This is the option I choose for my life style. I go where my pet can go (and be safely happy).

There are people who are great hosts and they invite people to their homes. Some let pets roam between guests, others keep them in separate rooms, prepared and accommodated properly to pets’ needs.

And there is a last option: no social life. The good news is that it doesn’t have to be this way. If all friends, family and acquaintances are not supportive of pets, given they don’t live together, one has alternative of socializing with pet owners. And opportunities here are endless. Parks, pet venues, pet playgrounds, social media, neighborhood shelters, “pet friendly” vacations. Some people even get married connected by passion for pets.

Pet Monarchy Keep calm

So if one can’t change opinion of friends and loved ones on pet adoption, one can just change social circles altogether and join pet loving people. They are strong, live longer (thanks to pets’ health improving abilities), usually are less self-centered and kinder, have more patience and higher immunology. One would be joining the cream of the crop of the human race.

Written by Joanna @petmonarchy

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Cyndi and Latte (@CyndiandLatte)

12 years ago

These are very good ideas that people need to take into consideration if they are thinking about adding a pet to their family.


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