Living City Kitty Life… by Coco-Mau Aqua

Living City Kitty Life…


Some of my pals who live away from cities were wondering how my life looks like in Manhattan. So let me describe my usual day.

Rockefeller Center by Pet Monarchy

First thing you should know I typically sleep in Joanna’s bed. As soon as our neighbors start to make noise, I get up. Since I use toilet, the doors to the bathroom are always open, so I can use it anytime.

Coco-Mau Aqua using toilet

After morning toiletries comes time for the breakfast. Every night Joanna leaves 2-4 dishes with different foods so I can snack before she wakes up.

Running on the bed

As I’m finicky Kitty I do what all pets do. I try to wake up my human. If she is not moving, I start to walk on her body parts until she opens eyes. Once I get her attention I start to give her my magical kisses. I use those only in the morning or when very hungry. Since I give her wet nose and side mouth smooches she runs into the kitchen to prepare fresh food for me.


After my breakfast regardless of human’s action, I start to roam and hunt. I check for those obnoxious birds and squirrels who annoyingly tease me through the windows.

Window hunting

Sometimes there are some flies or bees which pass by closely. I make sure I keep them away from my home! Looks like my tactics are working because until now no birds nor squirrels got into our apartment. I have to admit, insects are canny and from time to time visit us uninvited. I tap them few times on the head and Joanna makes them vanished.

By 59th St. and 5th Ave

I am and ‘purrse’ kitty. I get to go where no sphynx or cat goes:).  My human takes me everywhere. Lately we were in the doctor’s office. I went to hotels, casinos, buses, trains, restaurants (get my own sit), supermarkets, Times Square, Hamptons, Montauk beaches, boardwalks, malls, work spaces and even was in the front of White House. Some people find out, but once they see how cute and stoic I can be, they welcome me warmly. Last time I was buying newest IPad with Retina (yes, you read it right, I did!) in Apple Store on 59th Street and 5th Avenue. People who work there were so nice, let me touch devices and choose with my own paws. Even took few pictures of me and Joanna.


Coco-Mau Aqua choose white IPad with Retina

When weather is nice we go to the Central Park or by Hudson River or to the  park on E 92nd Street. I love to watch people, kids, animals or play with dogs.


We don’t see any cats unless we go to Petco or Petsmart where Joanna is showing me those less fortunate kitties, filled with unconditional love, waiting to be adopted. Usually she feels very guilty that she can’t take them home…

I go with her  to work to meet clients. They are noisy places filled with talking humans and loud live music. If we are long she sneaks some food for me.

Snacking inside of purrse


Joanna works also from home. I’m usually on her desk, next to her laptops, lying on my “flower” bed watching her working and birds or squirrels at the same time.


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When I get tired or bored, I fell asleep, next to her.

Crushed, tired

Everyday I love to play chase with Joanna in our apartment, running like a miniature puma through the jungle.


Best part of my day is to be sitting in the ‘purrse’ and watching New York City unraveling in the front of me.



Every week or whenever I jump into bathtub, Joanna prepares me bubble bath. I love warm water so much that Joanna put up ‘kiddy pool’ in our living room.

Kitty pool

But believe me, if you are suburban kitty and you can roam free sometimes and have home filled with loving family to come to, you are the luckiest four paws on Earth.

Joanna says she wishes I can feel wind in my hinds without limits of a City life. And hear those birds actually singing instead of drums from engines of driving cars.

If you want to be the city kitty in the ‘purrse’ you have to get use to the noise and trust your human to protect you from civilization.

But I have to admit, I am Manhattan Sphynx and I love it here.


Dedicated to my Beloved New York City

Written by Coco-Mau Aqua @petmonarchy

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12 years ago

Love love love


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