The story of TSK or Time Share Kitty by Dana Moody

The story of TSK or Time Share Kitty










A few years back, before we retired we were going to our home in the mountains on weekends only. We noticed a cute brown tabby cat in the neighborhood, he was very friendly and would visit us.








After some inquiring we found out the kitty belonged to a neighbor. She had taken him because she didn’t want him to end up at a shelter. Her mom had a friend that had to go into an assisted living home and couldn’t take him.








The cat’s name was Starsky (apparently there was a Hutch at one point as well) our neighbors small boy, who was a little dyslexic, called him Skistar.

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Before we knew his name we called him Time Share Kitty (TSK) since he always came to stay with us on the weekends. Sunday afternoons when we were packing up to go back down to the city we would take him back to our neighbors.

She is a very sweet and kind woman, but with 2 small boys and a real big dog the cat liked our calm, peaceful home better. Our neighbor had said we could keep him if we wanted.







Once we started staying in the mountains full time he became ours forever!







Since he is no longer Time Share, we just call him Kitty. But he has many nicknames: Strudel, Mr Cat, Dude, KitKat, Goose (as in silly goose) .



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He is the best cat ever! Very mild mannered, likes going for car rides, walks on a harness and leash. Likes calm dogs even!







This video was made some time ago, and one of my first….so please forgive it’s roughness 🙂



Written by Dana Moody, you may follow her on Twitter Dana Moody @danapixie

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12 years ago

Dear Dana! Thank you so much for such joyful story. Kitty is simply stunning and brilliant cat. When I’m watching the video Coco-Mau Aqua is running to the screen:). I think his meowing and purring has great impact on her.
This article moves both of our hearts. It is so delightful to hear people care for abandoned animals. Since you are my Guest Blogger, I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for all good deeds you do everyday to folks and pets across worldwide web. You are always there for those who need help. And you are so humble and never seek recognition. I want you to know that many of us who know you trough social media, we see your charitable work and we respect you deeply.
I hope there are more of your stories to follow and showcase on my blog…

Lisa Reed

12 years ago

I love this story! Video is adorable. Xxxx

Karol Harrison

12 years ago

Very heart warming. Thanks


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