Fun Simple Homemade Toy for Cats


Instructions on making a cat toy:

1. You need some yarn and pieces of thick fabric or scraps of carpet and few wine corks.


2. Tie the yarn a bunch of times around the thick fabric (carpet pieces) or cork until you've made something that looks like the above picture. Tie up the ends together.


3. If you wish, you might leave few strings hanging from the toy and create multiple layers by attaching corks and carpeting wrapped in yarn. Have fun and improvise, braid yarn, add more corks, experiment with colors and shapes...


4. Please, make sure you let play your cat only under your supervision. Strings, yarn and other pieces might be dangerous  to pets if swallowed, so always keep an eye on your kitties while playing.



If you have ideas to add, feel free to add comment below...





Post, idea, execution and pictures were done by Patrick Vinson, you might find him on Facebook under the same name.


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9 years ago

I love how those toys are so creative, and most of all made of items we have home anyway! They are good for environment, great for pets and easy on the wallet! Thank you Patrick, you inspired me.


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